Tugas Softskill

thank's for everythink have you given God . .

Internet is taking hold in indonesia. And for sure it is happening very fast. It is used by scientists, computer hacker, lawyers, businessmen and other users. For anyone interested in knowing what internet offers, here are some menus :
1. Electronic Mail / E-mail / Messaging
Message / letters sent to the other end of the globe are received in second. You don’t have to pay international direct dialling rates to seng E-mail.
2. Remote Login / Telnet
This facility enable an internet user to use software available on the other computers, wherever they maybe, provided you know the login name and the password too.
3. File Transfer (FTP)
Fetching files, large documents and programs from everywhere must be the most fascinating experiance for many internet users. In just second, you’ve got the files you need.
4. Worid Wide Web (WWW)
You can get access to WWW pages which contain sounds, text, picture, and moving images. Think of WWW as television. There are thousand of pages, not just five channels. There is no censorship and commercials.
5. Archie, Veronica, Jughead, and WAIS (Wide Area Information Server)
Tool for searching the huge libraries of information on the internet.

1.The main idea of the first paragraph is..
a.Explanation about internet in indonesia
b.Internet is happening very past
c.Internet is introduce in indonesia
d.Scientist, lawyers, businessmen and other users

2.“ . . provided, you know the login name . . “ (number 2)
The underlined word in this sentence means..
a.As long as
b.Even though

3... the most fascinating experience for many internet user.. (nember 3)

4.World Wide Web (WWW) is..
a.Censorships and commercials
b.Sounds, text, pictures and moving images
c.Five channels of television
d.Pages similar to television channels

5.Internet facilities that allow internet users to use software availableon other computers, provided you know the login name andpassword is ..
a. File Transfer (FTP)
b. Remote Login / Telnet
c. Worid Wide Web (WWW)
d. E-mail

6.Facilities that can be used to berkiriman message / letter even tothe ends of worlds and not have to pay an international direct dialing rates are ..
a. File Transfer (FTP)
b. Remote Login / Telnet
c. Worid Wide Web (WWW)
d. E-mail

Anybody who has ever made the mistake of joining a Friday lunchtime bank queue will understand, why I have been such a fan of phonebanking. Balance checks at midnight, fund transfers at dawn that’s my kind of service. No snaking line, no fumbling teller, no trek to an ATM. But 24-hour telebanking was last century’s news. Since HSBC began offering its new e-banking service to some customer in Hongkong about a month ago, I’ve been going online and loving it.
For my money, netbanking offers all the pluses of banking by phone, with even greater convenience. Forget about pressing all those hash buttons or jotting down confirmation numbers on scraps of paper. This is impersonal banking as it should be fast, easy and fingers crossed, secure.
It lets you do most transactions short of actually withdrawing cash out of your printer. I have been using it to make payments, from the utility bills to my credit card. So long as you are eligible, registering online takes less than five minutes. You can check your balance in a click. Transfers too are a snap, wether to another account (not necessarily your own), another bank, or another country.

7.To queue means to..
a.Save money
b.Join the lunchtime
c.Check the personal computer
d. Stand in line

8.The article talks about..
a.The new way to save money in a bank
b.The credit cards from the banks
c.The new net-banking service
d.Transactions of cash and bills

9.You can check your balance in a click... (the third last line).
The similar meaning with the underline word is..
a.Examine, account
b.Transfers, account
c.Examine, deposite
d.Take, money

10.The writer feels that this new service is..