Tugas Softskill

thank's for everythink have you given God . .


Materi : Konsekuensi dan konsisten dengan aturan main yang telah disepakati bersama.

Anggota Kelompok :

1. Abdul rahim sangadji 20208010

2. Adittia Kusumadiyanto 20208039

3. Dedy Setia Putra 20208317

4. Rayhan Kalammullah 20208007

Dari kasus tersebut dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa didalam kementrian keuangan terdapat beberapa oknum yang melakukan kecurangan sehingga pihak kementrian keuangan akan melaporkan oknum tersebut ke pihak KPK untuk diusut dan diselidiki lebih lanjut.

Kecuranga yang dilakukan adalah membantu kasus suap dana percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur daerah, oknum tersebut mendapat sejumlah uang dari penadah bocoran dokumen tender yang akan dijual kepada para kontraktor yang akan mengikuti seleksi tender proyek tersebut.

Dalam kasus ini juga dapat dikatakan bahwa pegawai kementrian keuangan menyalahgunakan jabatan serta kekuasaanya untuk memperkaya diri sendiri karena mereka telah membocorkan dokumen yang seharusnya masih dirahasiakan dan belum boleh di publikasikan ke masyarakat umum.

Tanggung jawab profesi : “Presiden harus tegas menolak pembangunan tersebut. Kalau ada yang masih ngotot, media harus ambil peran maksimal,” tandas cendikiawan muslim Syafii Maarif dalam keterangan pers di Maarif Institut.

Kepentingan publik : Roy tidak terpengaruh oleh sikap fraksi. Bersama inisiator petisi, dia tetap menggalang penolakan pembangunan gedung baru. “kami sepakat untuk itu,” tegasnya. Selain Roy, mereka yang terabung dalam lima penginisiatif petisi tersebut yaitu Teguh Juwarno (Fraksi partai amanat nasional), Edi Prabowo (Fraksi partai gerindra), Budiman Sujadmiko (Fraksi PDI perjuangan), dan Malik (Fraksi partai kebangkitan bangsa). “Kami bertekat memperjuangankan penolakan (pembangunan gedung baru DPR) sampai berhasil,” katanya. Upaya menginisiasi petisi Penolakan Gedung Baru DPR, menurut dia, berangkat dari nuraninya sebagai wakil rakyat yang kini banyak mempersoalkan masalah tersebut. “Ini suara rakyat”, katanya.

Objektivitas : Sementara itu, penolakan oleh sebagian anggota DPR mulai mendapat reaksi dari fraksi. Fraksi Partai Demokrat, misalnya, mempertimbangkan untuk memberi peringatan kepada anggotanya, Roy Suryo. Bersama beberapa anggota dewan dari fraksi lain, Roy menggalang petisi menolak Gedung Baru DPR. Padahal, Fraksi Partai Demoktrat mendukung rencana tersebut.

Perilaku Profesional : Sedianya, rapat konsultasi dilaksanakan pada selasa (5/4). Namun, rapat yang menurut rencana dihadiri oleh seluruh pimpinan DPR itu batal. Penyebabnya, dua pimpinan DPR yakni wakil ketua DPR Priyo Budi Santoso dari Fraksi Golkar dan Annis Matta dari Fraksi Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) absen. Ketidakhadiran mereka membuat rapat tidak kuorum. “Rapat konsultasi pimpinan DPR RI hari ini (kemarin) dibatalkan dan ditunda hingga kamis (7/4), karena tidak semua pimpinan DPR RI hadir,” kata Marzuki. Marzuki menjelaskan, Priyo Budi Santoso izin karena ada pertemuan dengan mantan ketua umum partai golkar Jusuf Kalla, sedangkan Anis Matta tidak memberikan kabar. “Karena pimpinan DPR RI sepakat kolektif kolegial dalam pengambillan keputusan, maka dengan tidak hadirnya dua orang pimpinan, rapat konsultasi pimpinan DPR RI dibatalkan,” kata Marzuki. Marzuki berharap, pada kamis (7/4) mendatang seluruh pimpinan DPR RI bisa hadir, sehingga rapat konsultasi pimpinan DPR RI tidak tertunda lagi. Wakil ketua DPR RI Taufik Kurniawan menambahkan, jika seluruh pimpinan DPR RI hadir pada rapat konsultasi pimpinan, keputusan yang diambil menjadi bulat.

Standar Teknis : Menurut ketua DPR Marzuki Alie, rapat konsultasi pimpinan DPR tidak bisa membatalkan rencana pembangunan gedung baru. Pembangunan senilai Rp. 1,1 Triliun itu hanya bisa dibatalkan oleh rapat paripurna. “rapat kosultasi tidak bisa membtalkan alat kelengkapan, yang bisa batakan rapat paripurna,” kata Marzuki di gedung DPR.

1. Direct : He said, “I go to school every day.”
Indirect : He said (that) he went to school every day.

2. Direct : He said to me, “Where are you going?”
Indirect : He asked me where I was going
3. Direct : He said to me, “What are you doing?
Indirect : He inquired of me what I was doing
4. Direct : he will say, ” You have done wrongly “.
Indirect : he will tell you that you have done wrongly.
5. Direct : - kusuma says ”The moon every night”
Indirect : - kusuma says that the moon every night
6. Inderect : maya said that he was sorry, she couldn’t help me
Direct : maya said,” I’m sorry, I can’t help you”
7. Direct : rian said, “ I played doll yesterday”
Inderect : rina said that she had played doll the day before
8. Direct : dina said,” I’m watching a movie”
Inderect : Dina said that he was watching a movie
9. Direct : Ani said ‘I want to go to bali next year’.
Indirect : Ani said she went to go to bali next year.
10. Direct: He said to his friend, “Please lend me your pen!”
Indirect: He asked his friend to be kind enough to lend him his pencil

What is the TOEFL that? And what's the difference also with the TOEIC?

TOEFL stands for Test of Home as a Foreign Language. This is a test of English as a foreign language. These tests test the ability of a person to the extent to which mastery of English that includes the ability: Listening Comprehension (Comprehension in listening), Structure and Written Exxpression (Structure and expression in writing relating to the Home Grammar or Grammar English (Reading Comprehension (Reading Comprehension), and Writing (Writing).
TOEFL, GRE, SAT and TOEIC is a test products issued by ETS (Educational Testing Service) based in the U.S. and has been operating for more than 40 years.
During this time English language proficiency test product of ETS are most popular in Indonesia is the TOEFL (Test of Home As Foreign Language). However, the TOEFL test is actually designed for academic purposes which is for anyone who wants to continue their studies to the U.S. and North America. During this time, the company in Indonesia, too, put the score TOEFL as employee recruitment requirements.
The use TOEFL scores to the world of work turned out to be less effective. Therefore, there followed a trend of companies that intend to recruit employees to move to the TOEIC (Test of Home for International Communication). ETS TOEIC has been held for 25 years throughout the world. "In Indonesia, the TOEIC test was introduced in 1999," kataJulivan E. Rondonuwu of PT International Test Center, ETS representative in Indonesia.
Benefits of the TOEFL
TOEFL is Bahassa bahasa fluency assessments received by Lebihh than 6,000 institutions. You might think that this is in America / bahasa Kingdom, they actually spread in all the world in 110 countries. Nearly every university in the English-speaking countries like the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada, & New Zealand, use the TOEFL to determine whether the point / non-language speakers of English can be accepted on their programs, receiving scholarships, / enter graduate school .
Another benefit of the TOEFL test proficiency Attas yangg bahasa Another is the fact that there Lebihh than 4,000 testing centers you can use. If you travel, you will save money because the test and can be completed within days.
Finally, this test gives you a benchmark bias your ability to speak bahasa. Score test anonymously, and there are interviews yangg entered as of the process. If you know Bahassa bahasa together well, you'll score with the good, and simple. TOEFL is to benchmark the best of your ability to succeed in college English Software
The ability of any tested in TOEFL test?
There are three parts of the TOEFL test to be done by test participants. The first part is the questions that measure the ability of Listening Comprehension in the number of 50 questions, Structure & Written Expression, 40 questions, and Reading Comprehension, 50 questions. The entire matter was made in the form of multiple choice (except for the Computer Based TOEFL test is a matter of the essay writing ability of participants in English and other variations to match the form of questions such as, to highlight certain words in connection with the main idea of a reading, etc..). The entire test takes place in time approximately 150 minutes, for the Paper and Pencil Based TOEFL, and approximately 240 minutes for the Computer Based TOEFL. A relatively long time for the Computer Based TOEFL tutorials are included procedures.
How many kinds of TOEFL test?
There are two types of TOEFL tests, ie
1) Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL, and
2) Computer-Based TOEFL.
Type the first TOEFL test is the TOEFL test that we know so far, where both questions and answers done by using paper and pencil. While the second type of TOEFL test is a relatively new test model because it was first introduced in 1998. As stated in its name, this test uses a computer in the delivery of and participant test because these tests also will answer via the computer.
In addition to the above two types of tests, whether there are other types of TOEFL test?
For the purposes of pre-selection or internal use of an institution, then the ETS as a developer and provider agency also conducts TOEFL TOEFL ITP (ITP = Institutional Testing Programme). The number of questions and level of difficulty did not differ with ITP TOEFL Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL and the Computer Based TOEFL, because the questions used in the TOEFL ITP TOEFL test is a matter that has been used before. Differences that need to be known by those who plan to follow the TOEFL test is that the score obtained dariTOEFL ITP in its use is limited. Universities and colleges in America, for example, will only accept scores from the TOEFL Paper and Pencil-Based or Computer Based TOEFL. Another difference is in terms of test cost. Currently, the cost of Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL and the Computer Based TOEFL is U.S. $ 110, while the TOEFL ITP is relatively cheaper cost of U.S. $ 25. There should also note that the Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL and the Computer Based TOEFL Test Center is only held in particular with the schedule of tests that have been determined in advance, while the TOEFL ITP implementation is more flexible schedule and in Indonesia is conducted by the IIEF (The Indonesian International Education Foundation) with coordinate with the central language in public universities.
In addition to TOEFL ITP, there is also a TOEFL Prediction / Equivalent Test that is usually used to estimate the TOEFL score before the relevant person take another TOEFL test (TOEFL Paper and Pencil-Based, Computer Based TOEFL, TOEFL ITP). Type Prediction TOEFL test is generally conducted by the institute / center language or places that hold training courses TOEFL.
Is there a difference in the scoring system based TOEFL Paper and Pencil, Computer Based TOEFL, ITP TOEFL and TOEFL Prediction Test?
True, rating or scoring system used for the Paper and Pencil BasedTOEFL, TOEFL ITP, TOEFL Prediction Test and Computer Based TOEFLmemang different.
This is done of course with the intention to avoid misunderstandings in the interpretation of test scores reported by participants. The range of scores used by the Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL, TOEFL ITP, danTOEFL Prediction Test is 310 (lowest score) up to 677 (highest score), whereas for the Computer Based TOEFL, the lowest value is 0 and the highest value of 300 (TOEFL Score User Guide, 2000-2001). About the overall level of difficulty for this type of course the same test, so it can be said those who obtain a score of 677 on the TOEFL Paper and Pencil Based expected to obtain a score of 300 on Computer Based TOEFL, and vice versa if a participant obtained a score of 213 tests in the TOEFL test that uses computer (Computer Based TOEFL), the corresponding score on the Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL is 550.
How is the relationship of scores obtained by the level of one's mastery of English?
In general, we recognize three levels of mastery of foreign languages, namely Basic Level (Elementary), Intermediate Level (Intermediate) and Advanced (Advanced). TOEFL score, experts typically classify the language of this score into the following four levels (Carson, et al., 1990):
• Elementary Level (Elementary): 310 sd 420
• Lower Secondary Level (Low Intermediate): 420 sd 480
• Secondary Level (High Intermediate): 480 sd 520
• Advanced (Advanced): 525 sd 677
From the classification score above, may arise if the test questions TOEFLdiberikan on American students, for example, whether they will have difficulty working on the TOEFL questions? Studies conducted by Johnson (1977) mentions that the average scores obtained by 173 first and second year students at the University of Tennessee, United States, is 628. That is, for English speakers themselves, the questions TOEFL can be done easily, as evidenced from which they obtained a score at the level of Proficient or Advanced.
By knowing the classification level of mastery of English, as seen above, we can certainly understand why it seems reasonable that universities in countries that use English as its official language, requires a certain TOEFL score for the candidate of their international students. To be accepted in S1, they commonly set score is approximately 475 sd 550, while for S2 and S3 program entry requirements TOEFLnya higher score is around 550 till 600.
Questions are often raised in discussion forums English teachers in Indonesia is what should be the mastery of English a student in Indonesia so they can add to scientific knowledge through reading, written in English? Mastery at the level of Primary (Elementary) would not contribute significantly to the students in Indonesia in terms of efforts to increase knowledge through textbooks / written knowledge in English. Required minimum mastery level of Senior Secondary (High Intermediate) so the students can absorb the course material is written in English with relative ease.
Several universities in Indonesia has set a certain TOEFL score for its students (Huda, 1999). In connection with efforts to improve the quality of college graduates, a regulation requiring college students have a mastery of the TOEFL to a certain extent is expected to have a positive impact and we should support. A good mastery of English are expected to increase the ability to think and work on a global level, the working conditions in the future we need to prepare from now.
TOEIC is the acronym for Test of Home for International Communication. TOEIC test is an English proficiency test for people who native language is not English.TOEIC test scores indicate how well people can communicate in English with others in the global work environment. The test requires no specialized knowledge or vocabulary, these tests only measure the kind of English used in everyday activities.

TOEIC test is a proficiency test in English that's leading the world in the context of the global work environment. More than 4,000 companies around the world use the TOEIC test, and more than 2 million people registered to take this test every year.
TOEIC is a test of English skills for people whose native language is not English. TOEIC test to measure English proficiency for individuals who work in an international environment in their daily life.
Values indicate how well a person can communicate in English with other individuals in business, commerce and industry. This test requires no special knowledge or such a general term that is not contained in the TOEFL test.
Therefore, the TOEIC test material more easily than the TOEFL test as that's a multiple choice test for 2 (two) hours, divided in listening sessions and reading sessions.
Therefore, the TOEIC test is deemed appropriate for employees or staff who use English in their environment such as business, hotels, hospitals, restaurants, international meetings, conferences and sporting events. Similarly, staff management, sales and technical employees in international business, commerce and industry who need English in their work.
TOEIC score starting from the number 400 to 990. There are six levels ie level 0 / 0 + Novice (score 10-250), Level 1 Elementary (score 255-400), level 1 + Intermediate (score 405-600), level 2 Basic Working Proficiency (score 605-780), level 2 + Advance Working Profiency (score 785-900) and level 3 / 3 + General Professional Proficiency (score 905-990).
A prospective regular employees must have a minimum TOEIC score of 400. While a prospective manager should at least have a TOEIC score of 800.
Someone who has a TOEIC score 405-600, for example, in listening to be able to understand explanations related to routine daily tasks, understand the announcements during the trip and mengusai limited social conversations. In this talk could explain kerj responsibility adan academic background as well as a discussion about the project in the past and the future. While in the case of reading still need a dictionary to understand the technical documents. And lastly in terms of writing people who have intermediate level was able to write a short memo, letter of complaint and fill out a simple application form.
What are the contents of the TOEIC test?
TOEIC test is designed to meet the needs of the working world. Test questions are developed from examples of spoken and written language collected from various countries around the world where English is used in the workplace. Test questions and the atmosphere contains many different situations, such as:
• General business - contracts, negotiations, marketing, sales, business planning, conferences.
• Manufacturing - plant management, assembly lines, pengandalian quality.
• Finance and budgeting - banking, investment, taxation, accounting, billing
• Corporate development - research, product development.
• Offices - board meetings, committees, correspondence, memoranda, telephone, fax, and messages e-mail, equipment and office furniture, office procedures.
• Personnel - receiving, hiring, pension, salaries, promotions, job applications, advertising.
• Purchasing - shopping, ordering supplies, deliveries, invoices
• Technical areas - electronics, technology, specifications, buying and renting, electric and gas service.
• Travel - trains, planes, taxis, buses, ships, ferries, tickets, schedules, announcements stations and airports, car rental, hotel, reservations, delays and delays.
• Dining out - business and informal lunches, banquets, receptions, restaurant reservations.
• Entertainment - cinema, theater, music, art, media
• Health-medical insurance, visiting doctors, dentists, clinics and hospitals.

Internet is taking hold in indonesia. And for sure it is happening very fast. It is used by scientists, computer hacker, lawyers, businessmen and other users. For anyone interested in knowing what internet offers, here are some menus :
1. Electronic Mail / E-mail / Messaging
Message / letters sent to the other end of the globe are received in second. You don’t have to pay international direct dialling rates to seng E-mail.
2. Remote Login / Telnet
This facility enable an internet user to use software available on the other computers, wherever they maybe, provided you know the login name and the password too.
3. File Transfer (FTP)
Fetching files, large documents and programs from everywhere must be the most fascinating experiance for many internet users. In just second, you’ve got the files you need.
4. Worid Wide Web (WWW)
You can get access to WWW pages which contain sounds, text, picture, and moving images. Think of WWW as television. There are thousand of pages, not just five channels. There is no censorship and commercials.
5. Archie, Veronica, Jughead, and WAIS (Wide Area Information Server)
Tool for searching the huge libraries of information on the internet.

1.The main idea of the first paragraph is..
a.Explanation about internet in indonesia
b.Internet is happening very past
c.Internet is introduce in indonesia
d.Scientist, lawyers, businessmen and other users

2.“ . . provided, you know the login name . . “ (number 2)
The underlined word in this sentence means..
a.As long as
b.Even though

3... the most fascinating experience for many internet user.. (nember 3)

4.World Wide Web (WWW) is..
a.Censorships and commercials
b.Sounds, text, pictures and moving images
c.Five channels of television
d.Pages similar to television channels

5.Internet facilities that allow internet users to use software availableon other computers, provided you know the login name andpassword is ..
a. File Transfer (FTP)
b. Remote Login / Telnet
c. Worid Wide Web (WWW)
d. E-mail

6.Facilities that can be used to berkiriman message / letter even tothe ends of worlds and not have to pay an international direct dialing rates are ..
a. File Transfer (FTP)
b. Remote Login / Telnet
c. Worid Wide Web (WWW)
d. E-mail

Anybody who has ever made the mistake of joining a Friday lunchtime bank queue will understand, why I have been such a fan of phonebanking. Balance checks at midnight, fund transfers at dawn that’s my kind of service. No snaking line, no fumbling teller, no trek to an ATM. But 24-hour telebanking was last century’s news. Since HSBC began offering its new e-banking service to some customer in Hongkong about a month ago, I’ve been going online and loving it.
For my money, netbanking offers all the pluses of banking by phone, with even greater convenience. Forget about pressing all those hash buttons or jotting down confirmation numbers on scraps of paper. This is impersonal banking as it should be fast, easy and fingers crossed, secure.
It lets you do most transactions short of actually withdrawing cash out of your printer. I have been using it to make payments, from the utility bills to my credit card. So long as you are eligible, registering online takes less than five minutes. You can check your balance in a click. Transfers too are a snap, wether to another account (not necessarily your own), another bank, or another country.

7.To queue means to..
a.Save money
b.Join the lunchtime
c.Check the personal computer
d. Stand in line

8.The article talks about..
a.The new way to save money in a bank
b.The credit cards from the banks
c.The new net-banking service
d.Transactions of cash and bills

9.You can check your balance in a click... (the third last line).
The similar meaning with the underline word is..
a.Examine, account
b.Transfers, account
c.Examine, deposite
d.Take, money

10.The writer feels that this new service is..

1. Mother ________ to the market while brother was sleeping at home.
a. go
b. goes
c. going (past countinous tense)
d. go to

2. Next year, I will have ________frou Gunadarma University.
a. graduated (future perfect tense)
b. pass
c. get by
d. get through

3. The sun__________in the east.
a. ris
b. rised (simple present tense)
c. risis
d. rise

4. she has________the exam.
a. finish
b. finishing
c. finiser
d. finished (present perfect tense)

5. Shinta had been________in jogja for five years before she moved to jakarta.
a. live
b. lived
c. living (past perfect continious tense)
d. life

6. I am_______to go to surabaya on sunday.
a. go
b. go to
c. goes
d. going (future tense)

7. Teacher has_______since 2 hours ago.
a. teach
b. teaching (present perfect continious tense)
c. teached
d. taught

8. He will_______when studying diligently.
a. graduate (future tense)
b. graduated
c. get through
d. pass

9. Arta ______ridwan with the rock.
a. cash
b. cas
c. cased
d. cast (simple past tense)

10. Sandy has_______finance report.
a. writte
b. written (present perfect tense)
c. writted
d. writted

11. George Washington _________first U.S. President.
a. was the (simple past tense)
b. became
c. were the
d. are the

12. Dad _____to office every day.
a. goes (simple present tense)
b. go
c. going
d. to go

13. When I come home, my brother was ___________bicycle.
a. wash
b. washing (past continious tense)
c. washed
d. washer

14. We are _______MYOB in laboratorium now.
a. study
b. studyer
c. studyed
d. studying (present continious tense)

15. Gama______a cup of coffea.
a. drink
b. drunk (present perfect tense)
c. drank
d. drenk

16. we was not ready for the test last Monday.
B = were (simple past)

17. I was walked down the street when the accident happened.
B = walking (past continous, simple past)

18. Tina ware watching tv last night.
A = Was (past continous)

19. I would be begining an examination at this time following day.
A = Should (past future continous)

20. The conference is quite bored because it is not well organized.
C = Boring (simple past tense)

21. How long have you are in Jakarta?
D = Been (future tense)

22. America was discovered by columbus in the 15th century.
C = Discovering (past continious)

23. Could you brings me a cheeseburger and french fries please?
A = Bring (present perfect tense)

24. My mother have cook delicious food for us.
B = Cooked (past perfect tense)

25. He is played football with friend’s tomorrow.
B = Playing (future tense)

ASEAN Football Championship (ASEAN Football Championship), formerly known as the Tiger Cup (Tiger Cup), is an international football championship between the countries in Southeast Asia. The tournament is organized by the ASEAN Football Federation (AFF).

The name comes from a long championship sponsor is a beer company in Singapore, Tiger Beer. In 2007, the name of this championship into ASEAN Football Championship, and in 2008, changed again into AFF Suzuki Cup.

Aff cup 2010 was a different championship for the Indonesian national team, with new coach Alfred Riedl of Austria this bloody coach made a breakthrough in the national team camp by selecting young players in the new squad GARUDA. In addition, also the national team is the arrival of new players naturalized players who include Christian Gonzalez (first naturalized player of Indonesia) and Irfan Bachdim. This new team pursuit is beyond estimation, while the preliminary round perfect team to collect points by beating Malaysia in the allowance for the first half with the score 1-5, the match that took place at the Bung Karno Stadium on Wednesday (12/01/2010) night WIB, Indonesia direct hit since the first round begins. But Malaysia gave a surprise at 'Team Red, White and' although initially had left the national team 1-0 by Malaysia with a goal created by Norshahrul Idlan However, the benefits of Malaysia did not last long. At minute 21, bait Nasuha swiftly from the left side into the penalty box Malaysia. There Irfan Bachdim there, but hit the foot of the players of Malaysia, Mohamad Asrarudin. Score change 1-1.

Indonesia finally turned excel at minute 33 after the ball at the feet of the players captured by the word Utina Malaysia. Word was immediately gave the ball to Cristian, who after dribbling for a moment, release the left foot shot from outside the penalty box. Scores changed to 2-1, Gol to 3, 4, and 5 respectively printed by M. Ridwan, Arief Suyono, and Irfan Bachdim.

At the Bung Karno stadium on Saturday (12/04/2010) The second match was held between VS INDONESIA LAOS The first goal was created by the word Utina through penalty that began when Cristian Gonzalez dropped in the penalty box when memggiring ball, the Word who served as executor of successful carrying out its duties, 1-0 Indonesia lead. Scored again to Indonesia! Action Ridwan, after use operand Kitsada blunders, bringing Indonesia a 2-0 lead over Laos. In the second half to give Indonesia more incentive to attack and results in minute 49 'Garuda' re breaking nets Laos. Back Word who became printers tally. Score 3-0 increasingly distanced from his guest Indonesia Laos. Indonesia excellence grow to 4-0 at minute 51 and that became pendulangnya is Irfan Bachdim. This was his second goal in this tournament. Ariel Suyono or commonly called 'keceng' became the fifth scorer for the national team goals bait Starting from gastric Word, then there chaos in the penalty box Laos

Hamka kick Bounthisanh can still be ignored, but the ball struck by Ariel Suyono and created the fifth goal of Indonesia. Scored again! Far superior Indonesia Laos 6-0 in the 80th minute with bait breakthrough preceded by Irfan to Okto Maniani and goals Okto Maniani be peutup resistance Laos, Indonesia, Laos marvelous 6-0 landslide.

THIRD MATCH between VS THAILAND INDONESIA Indonesia had mastered the game in the first 10 minutes. But after 1 x 45 minute ad is not a goal that is created. After intermission, Thailand increasingly dominate in the second round. In minute 50, Thailand almost scored when a hard kick hadangan Mark has passed, but was expelled Maman Abdurachman at the mouth of the goal. Return Indonesia carried out the attack but poor finishing made the national team gets 1 point belun else. Thailand successive attacks and finally succeeded in winning when the game entered the 69th minute. Getting feedback Keawsombut head, swift kick to break down the wicket of Mark Suree Sukha. Indonesia 0, Thailand 1.

The entry Arif Suyono replace Okto Maniani after the goal was to make the game more lively Indonesia. Slowly, the team Garuda pressing defense for the visitors. Penalty! In minute 79, Gonzalez dropped by Panupong Wongsa and no doubt the referee pointed to the penalty spot. Before being dropped, sontekan Gonzales welcomes feedback Eka Thailand hit the pole. Bambang Pamungkas a new entry into the field on 58 minutes replacing Irfan Bachdim successfully deceive Hathairattanakool and bring Indonesia evened the score finished 1-1. In minute 86, Indonesia received another penalty kick when the hand Wongsa Arif Suyono. In addition to the penalty, the referee also expelled Wongsa for having received two yellow cards. Bambang is again believed to be the executioner directing the ball into the same corner with his first penalty and scored! Indonesia turned winning 2-1 over Thailand!

At the last minute, Thailand tried to save his chances by playing aggressively. But until the long whistle sounded, no additional goals are created from both camps. And these results force defending champions Thailand lift the suitcase because another dipertandingan Malaysia beat Laos with the score 5-1 and come with Indonesia kebabak semi-final.

After nearly a week off, finally held also SEMI FINAL 1st Leg - Philippine VS INDONESIA Playing under the gaze of about 70 thousand pairs of eyes that most of his own supporters at the Bung Karno Stadium, Jakarta, Thursday (16/12/2010), Indonesia is made troublesome by the Philippines. Indonesia tried to take over the game's early minutes but that was occupied by 8 players Philippine naturalization more European class can take over the game so that Indonesia came under pressure. But when the game entered the minutes into 32, Indonesia finally broke the deadlock. Word length Utina bait failed to anticipate Etheridge and Gonzalez forced the kipper Philippines menanduknya and picked up the ball in the net. 1-0 for Indonesia. Philippines almost conceded by the players own actions in minute 39. A ball that fails to master Irfan Ray Jonsson swept aside the left goalpost Etheridge.

In the second half, Indonesia, more of the ball. The entry Arif Suyono replace Okto and Bambang Pamungkas fill the position of Irfan make Indonesia a little more tajam.Di 72 minutes, Bambang get a chance in the penalty box Philippines. But Bepe losing run faster than Etheridge that swiftly out of the nest and hug the ball. Indonesia instead almost conceded in the 75th minute. This time, Mark's failure to catch the ball stomach makes James Younghusband can direct the ball into the goal Indonesia. But lucky Zulkifli Gratitude swiftly ran towards goal and could throw the ball at the goal line with his head. 0-1 score lasted until the long whistle sounded.

SEMI FINAL 2nd Leg - INDONESIA VS Philippine pocketed a 1-0 win in the first leg, did not make Indonesia has adopted the system to survive. Since the whistle is blown kick off the first round of the national team immediately took the initiative to attack, attack launched by Indonesia and continue to the Philippines occasionally behind the attack by relying on the counter attack. Finally, the long-awaited goal also came on 42 minutes to kick players naturalization Cristian Gonzalez goal nets tore the Philippines, although the Philippines had previously held a kick-back horizontal Gonzales but unfortunately the ball back to the leg kick to both Gonzalez and finally to break through the wicket Philippines. Score 1-0 for Indonesia.

Entering the second half of Indonesia and the Philippines remained insistent play, both teams alternated the offensive. Occasionally these attacks threaten the goal Indonesia Philippines which is guarded by Markus. Philippines almost evened the score. Greatwich not terkawal at the far post managed to cross the ball with his head and the skin round thin combing over the crossbar Indonesia.pada 87th minute the ball towards the far post and Greatwich menanduknya try, despite failing the Philippines had to play minus one player after Greatwich received a second yellow card, after breaking Mark in penalty box. Until the long whistle sounded, no goal is created from two sides so that Indonesia certainly qualify to the final trophy aff 2010.

Final 1st Leg AFF 2010 MALAYSIA VS INDONESIA game This is the final round of the series of matches AFF SUZUKI 2010 which was held with the home away. AFF-final 1st leg match SUZUKI 2010 held at the stadium that is the pride of citizens of Malaysia Bukit Jalil stadium. Based on the victory 1-5 in the preliminary round, many people who predicted Indonesia will win the final fight of this first. But an unexpected surprise to the team melaysia GARUDA, as host malaysa directly take over the attack in the early minutes. Okto field calls from Octavian maniani get a yellow card. It is unfortunate because in previous matches Okto had pocketed the first yellow card, so it can not be ascertained Okto strengthen Indonesia in the final 2nd Leg AFF to be held at the Bung Karno stadium on 29. National team that always wins since losing the preliminary round like fangs, and continues to be under pressure. Luckily the players are still able to maintain concentration half-time whistle is blown hinga score remained 0-0.

Entering the second half both teams launched attacks more varied. In the early minutes, Gonzalez had scored, but the goal was disallowed for offside. caused the Malaysian supporters who directs a laser beam into a number of players eyes Indonesia also did not lose a concentration disrupted the national team and in the 54th minute the match was stopped, It is unfortunate, in this great game still tainted by the behavior of the 12 players who are not supportive. Not stopping there, some time after the match was stopped the Malaysian supporters back throwing a tantrum with firecracker blow up in the middle of the field. A few minutes later, the match started. It is unfortunate that, due to the termination of the match could make the national team somewhat disturbed concentration, lack of concentration from the players because Indonesia, Malaysia safee attacker managed to break into the Indonesian goal guarded by markus. Starting from the mistakes that are not perfect Maman in maintaining the ball so that the attacker can steal the ball Sahrul malaysia which is then passed to Safee. Indonesia was lagging behind 1-0. Because the left, coach Alfred Riedl trying to change the composition of players by replacing Yongki with Irfan Bachdim. But again Malaysia with the support of tens of thousands of supporters to defeat the goal of Indonesia through Ashari. Malaysia 2-0 to excellence. In 72 minutes safee who played brilliantly again showed his ability by scoring the third goal for Malaysia. Malaysia 3-0 lead. Coach Alfred Riedl had time to enter Bambang Pamungkas and Arif but can not change the results. Thus, Indonesia should strive desperately to be able to win trophies this year's AFF. Minimal Indonesia had a 3-0 lead in GBK dated 29-12-2010.

Final 2nd Leg AFF 2010 INDONESIA VS MALAYSIA Saturday (29/12/2010) at Bung Karno Stadium, Jakarta and the end game is what determines who will record the new history became champions for the first time AFF. GBK stadium filled with 95,000 supporters (a wonderful thing, because the stadium is only a capacity of 90,000 spectators GBK) GBK stadium was flooded by a sea of red which is a supporter of Indonesia. Before the game started, the two teams alternately singing the national anthem of each, while the national anthem INDONESIA RAYA echoed throughout the stadium roared when all the supporters come to sing the national anthem.

Kickoff first round begins, the players immediately shut Indonesian and Malaysian defense to attack repeatedly, several times threatened goalkeeper Malaysia Indonesia attacks result in the 18th minute penalty after Indonesia won a prize by handsball bin Mohd Sabre Mat Abu. Word Utina trusted to accurately execute the ball sending it into the bottom left corner of goal, but unfortunately his shot was too weak so that the goalkeeper Khairul fahmi to tame the ball. The game also continues, but until the first round after scoring for both teams right 0-0.

After resting for several minutes, the second half began, just like in the first round of Indonesia teruz pressing defense guest team repeatedly broken by the assault team fortress GARUDA Malaysia. Unexpected advantage that bilakukan blunder by Maman, Idlan numbered players back 9 is directly providing the long pass towards Moh Safee who ran fast, and kick the First timenya successfully ripped goal guarded by Mark Haris Maulana, GBK Stadium the score 0-1 for Henin Malaysia. Underdeveloped 1 point coach Alfred replace several players, among others, which was replaced by Firman Utina Eka Ramdani and Irfan Bachdim replaced by Bambang Pamungkas. Walawpun after this substitution attack squad was slack but finally M. Nasuhah managed to break Malaysian national team goalkeeper after throwing the ball from the kick utilize Ahmad Bustomi score 1-1. Attacks launched by both teams kept but always can be broken up in the end the movement of M. Ridwan at the last minute to outwit the defense of Malaysia and managed to melesatkan shot toward the goal, creating the second goal although his shot was touched chief defender of Malaysia, a score of 2-1. Until the second half the long whistle sounded, the score 2-1 after last up to become champion and deliver Malaysia AFF Cup 2010, although the match was won by indnesia but Malaysia won by aggregate 2-4 of iondonesia.

Although not managed to become champion, all claims are satisfied and proud supporters watch the national team who played Spartan GARUDA that night and all the spectators in the stadium GBK give a standing applause. Also Firman Utina was also awarded as the best player the MPV or AFF Cup 2010. Stay GARUDAKU spirit of this all is a good start and there are still other occasions, fly as high as possible at any time until we will always support you.

Reff :

Kejuaraan Sepak Bola ASEAN (ASEAN Football Championship), sebelumnya bernama Piala Tiger (Tiger Cup), adalah suatu kejuaraan sepak bola internasional antar negara-negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Turnamen ini diselenggarakan oleh Federasi Sepak Bola ASEAN (AFF).
Aff cup 2010 ini menjadi kejuaraan yang berbeda bagi TIMNAS Indonesia, dengan pelatih baru yaitu Alfred Riedl pelatih berdarah Austria ini melakukan terobosan baru di kubu timnas dengan memilih pemain-pemain muda di skuad baru GARUDA. Selain itu timnas juga kedatangan para pemain baru yaitu pemain naturalisasi yang antara lain Christian Gonzales (pemain naturalisasi pertama Indonesia) dan Irfan Bachdim. Kiprah tim baru ini sangat diluar perkiraan, saat babak penyisihan timnas mengumpulkan poin sempurna dengan mengalahkan Malaysia pada penyisihan babak pertama dengan skor 1-5, Pada pertandingan yang berlangsung di Stadion Gelora Bung Karno, Rabu (1/12/2010) malam WIB, Indonesia langsung menekan sejak babak pertama dimulai. Namun Malaysia memberikan kejutan pada ‘Tim Merah Putih’ walaupun pada awalnya timnas sempat tertinggal 1-0 oleh Malaysia dengan gol yang diciptakan oleh Norshahrul Idlan Namun, keunggulan Malaysia tak berlangsung lama. Pada menit 21, umpan Nasuha dari sisi kiri meluncur deras ke kotak penalti Malaysia. Ada Irfan Bachdim di sana, namun terkena kaki pemain Malaysia, Mohamad Asrarudin. Skor berubah 1-1.
Indonesia akhirnya berbalik unggul di menit 33 setelah bola di kaki pemain Malaysia direbut oleh Firman Utina. Firman pun langsung memberikan bola kepada Cristian, yang usai menggiring bola sejenak, melepaskan tendangan kaki kiri dari luar kotak penalti. Skor berubah menjadi 2-1, Gol ke 3, 4, dan 5 berturut-turut dicetak oleh M. Ridwan, Arief Suyono, dan Irfan Bachdim.
Di stadion Gelora Bung Karno, Sabtu (4/12/2010) digelar pertandingan ke dua antara INDONESIA VS LAOS Gol pertama diciptakan oleh firman utina melalui pinalti yang bermula saat Cristian Gonzales dijatuhkan di dalam kotak penalti ketika memggiring bola, Firman yang bertugas sebagai eksekutor berhasil menjalankan tugasnya, 1-0 Indonesia memimpin. Gol lagi untuk Indonesia! Aksi Ridwan, usai memanfaatkan blunder operan Kitsada, membawa Indonesia unggul 2-0 atas Laos. Di babak kedua Indonesia semakin gencar memberikan serangan dan hasilnya di menit ke 49 ‘Garuda’ kembali membobol jala Laos. Kembali Firman yang menjadi pencetak golnya. Skor 3-0 semakin menjauhkan Indonesia dari tamunya Laos. Keunggulan Indonesia bertambah besar menjadi 4-0 di menit 51 dan yang menjadi pendulangnya adalah Irfan Bachdim. Ini adalah gol keduanya dalam turnamen ini. Arief Suyono atau yang biasa disapa ‘keceng’ menjadi pencetak gol ke lima bagi timnas gol yang Berawal dari umpan lambung Firman, kemudian terjadi kemelut di dalam kotak penalti Laos
Sepakan Hamka masih bisa ditepis Bounthisanh, tapi bola disambar oleh Arief Suyono dan terciptalah gol kelima Indonesia. Gol lagi!! Indonesia unggul jauh 6-0 atas Laos di menit 80 dengan diawali oleh umpan terobosan Irfan kepada Okto Maniani dan gol Okto Maniani menjadi peutup perlawanan Laos, Indonesia menak telak 6-0 atas Laos.
THIRD MATCH antara INDONESIA VS THAILAND Indonesia sempat menguasai pertandingan di 10 menit pertama. Tetapi setelah 1 x 45 menit tidak ad satu gol pun yang tercipta. Setelah rehat, Thailand kian mendominasi di babak kedua. Di menit 50, Thailand nyaris mencetak gol saat sebuah tendangan keras sudah melewati hadangan Markus, tetapi diusir Maman Abdurachman di mulut gawang. Kembali Indonesia melakukan serangan tapi penyelesaian akhir yang kurang baik membuat timnas belun mendapat 1 angka pun. Serangan silih berganti dan Thailand akhirnya berhasil unggul saat laga memasuki menit 69. Mendapat umpan kepala Keawsombut, sepakan deras Suree Sukha menjebol gawang Markus. Indonesia 0, Thailand 1.
Masuknya Arif Suyono menggantikan Okto Maniani setelah gol itu membuat permainan Indonesia lebih hidup. Perlahan, tim Garuda menekan pertahanan tim tamu. Penalti! Di menit 79, Gonzales dijatuhkan oleh Panupong Wongsa dan wasit tak ayal menunjuk titik penalti. Sebelum dijatuhkan, sontekan Gonzales menyambut umpan Eka membentur tiang Thailand. Bambang Pamungkas yang baru masuk ke lapangan di menit 58 menggantikan Irfan Bachdim sukses mengecoh Hathairattanakool dan membawa Indonesia menyamakan skor jadi 1-1. Di menit 86, Indonesia kembali mendapat penalti saat tendangan Arif Suyono mengenai tangan Wongsa. Selain penalti, wasit juga mengusir Wongsa karena telah menerima dua kartu kuning. Bambang yang kembali dipercaya jadi algojo mengarahkan bola ke sudut yang sama dengan penalti pertamanya dan gol! Indonesia berbalik unggul 2-1 atas Thailand!
Di menit-menit akhir, Thailand mencoba menyelamatkan peluangnya dengan bermain agresif. Namun hingga peluit panjang berbunyi, tidak ada gol tambahan yang tercipta dari kedua kubu. Dan hasil tersebut memaksa juara bertahan Thailand angkat koper karna dipertandingan lain Malaysia berhasil mengalahkan laos dengan skor 5-1 dan ikut menemani Indonesia kebabak semi final.
Setelah libur hampir satu minggu, akhirnya digelar juga SEMI FINAL 1st Leg - PHILIPPINE VS INDONESIA Bermain di bawah tatapan sekitar 70 ribu pasang mata yang kebanyakan pendukungnya sendiri di Stadion Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta, Kamis (16/12/2010), Indonesia dibuat repot oleh Filipina. Indonesia berusaha mengambil alih permainan dari menit awal tapi Philippine yang dihuni 8 pemain naturalisasi kelas Eropa lebih bisa mengambil alih permainan sehingga Indonesia berada dalam tekanan. Tapi saat laga memasuki menit ke 32, Indonesia akhirnya memecah kebuntuan. Umpan panjang Firman Utina gagal diantisipasi Etheridge dan Gonzales menanduknya dan memaksa kipper Filipina memungut bola di gawangnya. 1-0 buat Indonesia. Filipina nyaris kebobolan oleh tindakan pemainnya sendiri di menit 39. Sebuah bola yang gagal dikuasai Irfan disapu Ray Jonsson ke samping kiri gawang Etheridge.
Di babak kedua, Indonesia lebih banyak menguasai bola. Masuknya Arif Suyono menggantikan Okto dan Bambang Pamungkas mengisi posisi Irfan membuat Indonesia sedikit lebih tajam.Di menit 72, Bambang memperoleh peluang di dalam kotak penalti Filipina. Namun lari Bepe kalah cepat dibanding Etheridge yang sigap keluar sarang dan memeluk bola. Indonesia malah nyaris kebobolan di menit 75. Kali ini, kegagalan Markus menangkap bola lambung membuat James Younghusband bisa mengarahkan bola ke gawang Indonesia. Namun beruntung Zulkifli Syukur dengan sigap berlari ke arah gawang dan bisa membuang bola di garis gawang dengan kepalanya. Skor 0-1 bertahan hingga peluit panjang dibunyikan.
SEMI FINAL 2nd Leg - INDONESIA VS PHILIPPINE mengantongi kemenangan 1-0 di leg pertama, tidak membuat Indonesia menerapkan system bertahan. Sejak peluit kick off babak pertama ditiup timnas langsung mengambil inisiatif serangan, serangan terus dilancarkan oleh Indonesia dan sesekali Filipina balik menyerang dengan mengandalkan counter attack. Akhirnya gol yang ditunggu-tunggu dating juga, pada menit ke 42 sepakan pemain naturalisasi Christian Gonzales merobek jala gawang Filipina, walaupun sebelumnya bek Filipina sempat menahan tendangan mendatar Gonzales tapi sayang bola kembali ke kaki Gonzales dan sepakan ke duanya pun akhirnya dapat menjebol gawang Filipina. Skor 1-0 untuk Indonesia.
Memasuki babak kedua Indonesia dan Filipina tetap bermain ngotot, kedua tim silih berganti melakukan serangan. Sesekali serangan-serangan Filipina mengancam gawang Indonesia yang dijaga oleh Markus. Filipina nyaris saja menyamakan skor. Greatwich yang tak terkawal di tiang jauh berhasil menyambut bola umpan silang dengan kepalanya dan si kulit bundar menyisir tipis di atas mistar gawang Indonesia.pada menit ke 87 Bola mengarah ke tiang jauh dan Greatwich coba menanduknya, meski gagal Filipina harus bermain minus satu pemain setelah Greatwich mendapat kartu kuning kedua, usai melanggar Markus di kotak pinalti. Hingga peluit panjang dibunyikan, tidak ada gol tercipta dari dua kubu sehingga Indonesia dipastikan lolos menuju final piala aff 2010.
1st Leg FINAL AFF 2010 MALAYSIA VS INDONESIA Pertandingan ini merupakan babak pamungkas dari rangkaian pertandingan AFF SUZUKI 2010 yang diselenggarakan dengan sistem home away. Pertandingan 1st leg final AFF SUZUKI 2010 diadakan di stadion kebanggaan warga malaysia yakni stadion Bukit jalil. Bertolak dari kemenangan 1-5 pada babak penyisihan, banyak orang yang memprediksikan Indonesia akan memenangkan laga final pertama ini. Tapi tidak disangka-sangka melaysia memberikan kejutan kepada tim GARUDA, sebagai tuan rumah malaysa langsung mengambil alih serangan pada menit-menit awal. Okto panggilan lapangan dari Oktavianus maniani mendapatkan kartu kuning. Sangat disayangkan karena dalam pertandingan sebelumnya Okto sudah mengantongi kartu kuning pertama, sehingga dapat dipastikan Okto tidak akan memperkuat Indonesia di 2nd Leg final AFF yang akan diadakan di stadion Gelora Bung Karno tanggal 29. Timnas yang selalu menang sejak babak penyisihan seperti kehilangan taringnya, dan terus berada dalam tekanan. Beruntung para pemain masih bisa menjaga konsentrasi hinga peluit babak pertama ditiup skor tetap 0-0.
Memasuki babak kedua serangan yang dilancarkan kedua tim lebih bervariasi. Di menit awal, Gonzales sempat mencetak gol, tetapi gol itu dianulir karena terjebak offside. ulah para supporter Malaysia yang mengarahkan sinar laser ke sejumlah mata pemain indonesia juga tidak kalah membuat konsentrasi timnas terganggu dan Di menit ke-54 pertandingan sempat dihentikan, Sangat disayangkan, dalam pertandingan akbar ini masih saja dinodai dengan perilaku pemain ke-12 yang tidak supportif. Tidak berhenti disitu, beberapa saat setelah pertandingan dihentikan para supporter Malaysia kembali membuat ulah dengan meledakkan petasan ditengah-tengah lapangan. Beberapa menit kemudian, pertandingan kembali dimulai. Sangat disayangkan, akibat sempat dihentikannya pertandingan membuat konsentrasi timnas agak terganggu, Karena kurangnya konsentrasi dari pemain Indonesia, penyerang Malaysia safee berhasil membobol gawang Indonesia yang dijaga oleh markus. Berawal dari kesalahan Maman yang tidak sempurna dalam mempertahankan bola sehingga penyerang malaysia Sahrul dapat merebut bola yang kemudian dioper ke Safee. 1-0 Indonesia tertinggal. Karena tertinggal, coach Alfred Riedl mencoba merubah komposisi pemain dengan mengganti Yongki dengan Irfan Bachdim. Tetapi lagi-lagi Malaysia dengan dukungan puluhan ribu suporternya dapat menjebol gawang Indonesia melalui Ashari. 2-0 untuk keunggulan Malaysia. Di menit ke-72 safee yang bermain gemilang kembali menunjukkan kemampuannya dengan mencetak gol ketiga untuk Malaysia. 3-0 Malaysia memimpin. Coach Alfred Riedl sempat memasukkan Bambang Pamungkas dan Arif tetapi tak dapat mengubah hasil. Dengan demikian Indonesia harus berjuang mati-matian untuk dapat merebut piala AFF tahun ini. Minimal Indonesia harus unggul 3-0 di GBK tanggal 29-12-2010.
2nd Leg FINAL AFF 2010 INDONESIA VS MALAYSIA Sabtu (29/12/2010) di stadion Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta pertandingan akhir dan merupakan penentu siapakah yang akan mencatat sejarah baru menjadi juara AFF untuk pertama kalinya. Stadion GBK dipenuhi oleh 95.000 supporter (suatu hal yang menakjubkan, karna stadion GBK hanya berkapasitas 90.000 penonton) stadion GBK dibanjiri oleh lautan merah yang merupakan supporter Indonesia. Sebelum pertandingan dimulai, ke dua tim secara bergantian menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan masing-masing, saat lagu kebangsaan INDONESIA RAYA dikumandangkan seluruh stadion bergemuruh ketika seluruh supporter ikut menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan tersebut.
Kickoff babak pertama pun dimulai, para pemain Indonesia langsung mengurung pertahanan Malaysia dan melakukan serangan bertubi-tubi, beberapa kali serangan Indonesia mengancam gawang Malaysia hasilnya Pada menit ke 18 indonesia mendapatkan hadiah pinalti menyusul handsball yang dilakukan oleh Mohd Sabre bin Mat Abu. Firman utina yang dipercaya mengeksekusi bola mengirimnya secara akurat ke sudut kiri bawah gawang, tapi sayang tendangannya terlalu lemah sehingga penjaga gawang khairul fahmi dapat menjinakan bola. Pertandingan pun berlanjut tapi hingga babak pertama usai skor untuk kedua tim tepat 0-0.
Setelah beristirahat beberapa menit, pertandingan babak kedua pun dimulai, sama seperti di babak pertama Indonesia teruz menekan pertahanan tim tamu berkali-kali serangan timnas GARUDA dipatahkan oleh benteng pertahanan Malaysia. Tidak disangka-sangka memanfaatkan blunder yang bilakukan oleh maman, Idlan pemain bernomor punggung 9 ini langsung memberikan operan panjang kearah Moh Safee yang berlari kencang, dan tendangan First timenya berhasil mengoyak gawang yang dijaga oleh Markus Haris Maulana, Stadion GBK henin skor 0-1 untuk Malaysia. Tertinggal 1 angka coach Alfred mengganti beberapa pemain antara lain Firman Utina yang digantikan oleh Eka Ramdani dan Irfan Bachdim yang digantikan oleh Bambang Pamungkas. Walawpun setelah pergantian pemain ini serangan timnas sempat mengendur tapi akhirnya M. Nasuhah berhasil menjebol gawang timnas Malaysia setelah memanfaatkan bola muntah dari sepakan Ahmad Bustomi skor imbang 1-1. Serangan terus dilancarkan oleh kedua kesebelasan tapi selalu bisa dipatahkan sampai pada akhirnya pergerakan M. Ridwan di menit-menit akhir dapat mengecoh barisan pertahanan Malaysia dan berhasil melesatkan tembakan ke arah gawang sehingga menciptakan gol kedua walaupun tembakannya sempat menyentuh kepala pemain bertahan Malaysia, skor 2-1. Hingga peluit panjang babak kedua dibunyikan, skor 2-1 bertahan hingga usai dan mengantarkan Malaysia menjadi juara AFF Cup 2010 walaupun pertandingan dimenangkan oleh indnesia tapi Malaysia menang secara agregat 2-4 dari iondonesia.
Meskipun tidak berhasil menjadi juara, seluruh supporter mengaku puas dan bangga menyaksikan pertandingan timnas GARUDA yang bermain Spartan pada malam itu dan seluruh penonton di stadion GBK memberikan standing applause. Selain itu Firman Utina juga mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai MPV atau pemain terbaik AFF Cup 2010. Tetap semangat GARUDAKU ini semua merupakan awal yang bagus dan masih ada kesempatan lain, terbanglah setinggi mungkin sampai kapanpun kami akan selalu mendukungmu.

Reff :

Nama lama kejuaraan ini berasal dari sponsornya yaitu perusahaan bir Singapura, Tiger Beer. Pada 2007, nama kejuaraan ini menjadi Kejuaraan Sepak Bola ASEAN, dan pada 2008, berubah lagi menjadi Piala Suzuki AFF.

1. Timnas tidak pernah mencetak gol dari bola mati

Timnas mencetak keseluruhan 17 gol dalam seluruh pertandingan kompetisi AFF 2010. 14 gol dari Open play dan 3 gol dari penalti. Tidak ada 1 gol pun dari tendangan pojok ataupun tendangan bebas. Ini bisa berarti bahwa timnas kurang fokus dalam latihan servis bola mati dan hanya memfokuskan pada naluri mencetak gol dari pergerakan open play.

2. 6 dari 7 pertandingan yang dilakukan timnas diselerenggarakan di kandang Indonesia.

Entah hoki atau apapun itu, yang jelas timnas Indonesia sangat beruntung karena melalui hampir semua jalannya kompetisi di kandangnya sendiri. Akan tetapi ini juga menjadi bumerang bagi timnas, karena satu-satunya laga mereka di luar kandang,yaitu final leg 1 di Malaysia justru menjadi faktor pembalik mereka dari favorit juara menjadi tim underdog.

3. Timnas sudah 4 kali masuk ke leg final, namun baru tahun ini suporternya benar-benar fanatik dan antusias.

Saya rasa ini adalah karena faktor dari bergabungnya 2 pemain naturalisasi yang sepertinya membawa angin segar ke timnas. Gonzales sang mesin gol, dan Bachdim striker tampan nan lincah dengan skill mumpuni sehingga membuat para wanita seperti kesetanan saat melihatnya.

4. Strategi permainan timnas saat bertahan sangat unik

Jika teman-teman memperhatikan bagaimana permainan timnas saat bertahan, maka akan terlihat pola pertahanan yang unik. Pola ini terlihat terutama saat menjamu Filipina.
Setiap kali penyerang Filipina mendapat bola di wilayah pertahanan Indonesia, maka sedikitnya 3 pemain bertahan Indonesia akan "mengerumuninya" dan menyudutkannya hingga ke pinggir lapangan sehingga dia tidak akan bisa leluasa mengontrol bola, sehingga kemungkinan besar yang terjadi adalah bola out(keluar lapangan).

5. Pemain timnas diberikan bonus luar biasa besarnya untuk ukuran turnamen di level Asia Tenggara.

Ya, bonus untuk pemain timnas mencapai milyaran rupiah. Dengan kata lain, setiap pemain sedikitnya akan mendapat bonus 100 juta rupiah. Jumlah ini sangat fantastis mengingat bahwa hadiah yang didapat dari menjadi juara Turnamen AFF hanya sekitar US$100.000 atau sekitar 900 juta rupiah.


Who would not be surprised that the AFF Cup final first leg between Malaysia vs Indonesia 3-0 to win would be interminable hosts Malaysia. At least in Indonesia, Bambang Pamungkas cs. underdog despite winning the first leg final as a guest. 5-1 victory over the same team in action allowance, plus the consistency of the game, hoisted the optimism of the people of Indonesia to the highest point. In fact millions of people shuddered at goalkeeper Mark, the main national team goalkeeper Indonesia flushed three goals without significant resistance.

Who is not glad to see Tim Garuda bulldoze Malaysia with a score of 5-1 and immerse Laos 6-0. Then with a number of reserve players, Thailand, the achievements in recent years to make us jealous, silenced 2-1 through two penalties yahud Team Legendary Garuda, Bambang Pamungkas. In the semifinals, the Philippine national team goalkeeper who crammed with naturalized players Cristian Gonzalez crashed twice in two games.

In the first leg final, thunderous masses at the Bukit Jalil Stadium, which dominated the yellow color that identifies Malaysian national team, has a separate pressure. The incident laser beam which makes the referee interrupted the match to add mental terror. What may make, after the incident was disastrous three goals came. All the goals came from players maintain concentration minus territory. Maman the CO line behind only made a fatal blunder led to the opening goal. Nasuha a straightforward and tactical, suddenly giddy face right side attacks unassisted Okto that appear soft. Coordination of the back line and the center were destroyed. Gonzales did not ever get the bait that "serious level".

In football, the absence of concentration means the loss of discipline. The loss of discipline is the death knell for the goalkeeper. The third goal was the best picture of how fragile discipline Garuda team minus concentration.

What is actually happening with our national team? In the hands of Alfred Riedl we have seen a different team, a decent national team hailed the crowd. Then why all of a sudden we are humiliated like this?

For me "the most sublime works of" Riedl for our national team so far is the discipline that was built through a high concentration. Throughout the tournament, Team Garuda arguably has the best discipline. Coordination of each line of cleanly designed. Four defender who performed a duet Bustomi ciamik create a solid, and the Word Utina a clever set of attacks, freely give the ball to the wings or long bait kepadatarget man. Pressure winger and a back wing on each side effectively shut down the opposing team's attack.

Riedl this building from outside the field. He knew the general weakness of Indonesian players is mental discipline and concentration. Therefore she realized the cheers of euphoria that are open will burden the players with such high expectations and weaken him with trivial matters do not need. He is keeping the players with tight, even that did not obey expel Boaz. Interviews with the media is limited so minimal. My friend even noted the press had never succeeded in interviewing Bambang Pamungkas during the AFF Cup performances. Yes, the public is hungry to see his hero, but if you want achievements of all men have to stop myself.

This becomes chaotic when the activities of irrational thing I knew raised PSSI board and buddy-buddy politics who try to "ride on" The Word popularity Utina cs. The players suddenly like a showpiece. Invited to visit such and such figures, scheduled istighosah in boarding-and-so, was interviewed and highlighted by the media all-out-and-so. Time which was originally spent on exercise, rest and strengthen teamwork, know-know shift not unlike the frenetic celebration

Okay, the pressures and hubbub is inherent in every competition-like-football. Every team that played very well be charged with the demands of an increasingly high. Modern footballer is not enough just yahud in the field, but also able to arrange matters off the field. But any euphoria seriuh faced by players, management, either club or national team, will be a party to the protective activity of players off the field.

Real Madrid's David Beckham never had such a sell. They openly enjoys the status of Beckham as a celebrity off the field for the sake of commercial profit. But no matter how big the dredged clappers Beckham, Real Madrid would never approve activities that interfere with regular exercise and rest for a minute any player. The opposite in fact done PSSI officials. Instead of keeping, they even spit Bachdim Irfan et al. hysteria among the girls. The players are treated like Justin Bieber who provoke the masses screaming hysterically.

Alfred Riedl and Wolfgang Pikal assistant could not help shaking his head as he put his face looked glum boisterous "shock market" is. Although only recently acknowledged, experienced football audience would know early on that coach with a level of discipline as it must necessarily be averse celebration pestered with this model. Moreover, not champions. But what may make if it PSSI chairman Nurdin Halid sepayah.

In other places, for a team that was waiting for the top party. Management meetings will be closed to public access to the players, and vice versa. Here PSSI like a porn production house, less rumble if not vulgar!

Irrelevant activities initiated by the board before the final PSSI is a proof how little they pahamnya with football management. How to talk about long-term guidance, manage the affairs weekly tournament that lasts just their way of governance abysmally.

Now Team Garuda get mammoth task in the second leg final at the Stadio GBK. Must win by three goals without conceding to force extra time. On the positive side, managers are reluctant to intervene PSSI authority as head coach before. The players were no longer bother to carry anywhere.

We as supporters can only give shouted support and prayers, hoping that the players show off and do my best. They are our idols are kept running with tired legs, for giving us such enthusiasm that has never experienced. They are national heroes who have given the still difficult to meet the government, make the vendors of souvenirs, T-shirts and small traders flooding sustenance.

Win or lose Garuda fixed in our chest.


Fever is sweeping the Indonesian national team. The success of Indonesia's national team reached the semifinals with an almost perfect performance to be the reason. The success of white-red team is getting into the conversation because there are 2 naturalized players that come into play.

Undeniably naturalized players into vitamin for the Indonesian team. In addition to a qualified skills also have a beautiful face. Right now anyone who does not know Irfan Bachdim and El loco Cristian Gonzalez.

In the future will more and more players to be naturalized. If you want to be traced, in fact many players Indonesian descent who is now playing overseas. Generally they play in the Netherlands. This is not out of the Dutch influence menjajahIndonesia ever before NKRI independence in 1945.

Here's a list of Indonesian descent players who play abroad:

1. Sergio Van Dijk

Born Assen, Netherlands on August 6, 1982. The owner's full name Serginho Van Dijk (ni Indo-Dutch players of Indo-Brazil atw anyway?) Was once a top scorer A-League (Australian League) along the Brisbane Roar. Investigate a calibaration, it turns out the mother of these players really the same nge-fans Serginho Chulapa (ex-Brazil).

Career attacker was first caught on camera while still strengthening junior club FC Groningen in 1999. The next year, players with 1.85 m high (still less ma Mark Haris Maulana) is entered into the senior team the Green Team. Unfortunately, for 2 years in Groningen, are familiarly called Sergio players only scored 1 goal from the two appearances.

Contract offer from Helmond Sport he could not refuse. Sergio joined this team in the period 2002 - 2005 with 13 goals from 82 appearances. Sharpness began to be kissed when defending FC Emmen next year. The period 2005 - 2008 Sergio scored 35 goals from 95 matches. It is interesting scout from Australia to ask for her hand in the country playing kangaroo.

And finally, on June 16, 2008 official Sergio clad Brisbane Roar with a duration of 2 years and became the Brisbane Roar player who scored a hatrick when first met Sydney FC on 17 January 2009. Early start to join is difficult for players who like to eat fried rice (this is an Indonesian native nih) this. Bemain in 10 matches, Sergio was only able to score 1 goal and 6 assists.

But that changed in the next season. With 9 goals made warrant a contract extension from the team which is based in Brisbane. The next season is the peak of his career. Torehannya catapulted him 16 goals as the A-League top scorer. Entry in 2010, Sergio decides to join the Adelaide United.

Have not had time to make his debut with his new team, Sergio flew to Jakarta to take care of his status as a naturalized players in the hope that when Indonesia was dressed in Red and White fought at AFF Cup in Jakarta and Hanoi later this year. Indonesia's blood flowing through his grandfather who came from the Moluccas. Will we see these bald player action to bring Indonesia Raya resound again? We'll wait.

2. Kim Jeffery Kurniawan

Players born March 23, 1990 This is an Indo-German. Indonesian blood flowing from his father, Peter Kurniawan, a subsidiary of the Hong Sing Kwee, players and national team Persija Jakarta Indonesia in the 1950s. It is known that Kim's grandmother and grandfather came from Bandung comes from the Holy. The player with the full name is Kim Jeffrey Kurniawan career started when she was still a young couple, 6 years by joining the team Karlsruher SC. Long play on this team makes it increasingly challenged to excel in the Bundesliga.

But the injury kept him out long enough and eventually receive a proposal FC Heidelsheim as core players. FC is a club Verbandsliga Heidelsheim Nordbaden (one level below the third division Bundesliga). Mühlacker-born players, a small town near Stuttgart can play in midfield or wing back position. The player who has scored 2 goals this season was in Jakarta to manage the process of naturalization to obtain Indonesian citizenship.

3. Donovan Partosoebroto

A little info for this young player. This player ever to strengthen the team Ajax Amsterdam youth as the main goalkeeper. There is also info that mentions this one player who was an assistant coach for the club's U-13 amateur Hoofddorp. Can this player to replace Mark "Barthez" Haris Maulana under the crossbar Garuda? We just see the action.

4. Jason Oost

From the player's name appears there is no sign that the player VVV Venlo has Indonesian blood. Very little info about the player who found this one. All this will be revealed when these players become the Red and White squad in the AFF Cup in December.

5. Alessandro Trabucco

Alessandro Trabucco, one player the Red Team White player candidate naturalization results were not very familiar with Indonesian football. Alessandro was born in Bali on July 25, 1994 This has a mother named I Gusti Ayu Kusumawardhani originating from Indonesia.

While his father is named Massimiliano came from Italy. Because there were 18 years old, he still could determine their own citizenship. Currently, Alessandro defend Cesena Allievi or U-16 team,

Here's a list of Indonesian descent players who play abroad:
Vincent Partosubroto (Netherlands / SV Hoofddrop)
Leroy Resodiharjo (Netherlands / ADO Den Haag)
Ferdinand Katipana (Netherlands / Haarlem)
Tom January Hiariej (Netherlands / FC Groningen)
Jeffrey Leiwakabessy (Netherlands / Anorthosis, Cyprus)
Radja Nainggolan (Belgium / Cagliari-Italy)
John van Baukering (Netherlands / GA Eagles)
Christian Supusepa (Holland / Ajax Junior)
Raymond Soeroredjo (Netherlands / Vitesse Arnhem Junior)
Michael Timisela (Holland / Ajax Amsterdam)
Map Toisuta (Netherlands / Zwolle)
Jeffrey de Visscher (Dutch / Aberdeen, Scotland)
Marciano Kastoredjo (Netherlands / De Graafschap)
Jordao Pattinama (Netherlands / SBV Excelsior)
Edinho Pattinama (Netherlands / NAC Breda)
Tobias Waisapy (Netherlands / SB Excelsior)
Sergio van Dijk (Netherlands / Adelaide-Australia)
Rafael Eduardo Guilermo Mautimo (FC-China BIT)
Kim Jeffrey Kurniawan (Heiddelsheim-Germany)
With so many players on the Indonesian descent, who almost certainly in the naturalization only five players, they are:

John van Baukering (Netherlands / GA Eagles)
Tobias Waisapy (Netherlands / SB Excelsior)
Rafael Eduardo Guilermo Mautimo (FC-China BIT)
Sergio van Dijk (Netherlands / Adelaide-Australia)
Kim Jeffrey Kurniawan (Heiddelsheim-Germany)
If so realized, it will be projected naturalized player to be selected and playing for the national team. With players of this naturalization could be Indonesia will again be calculated by the opponent in Asia.


Rungrado May Day Stadium or Stadium, also known as Kim Jong-Il, has a seating capacity of 150,000, much bigger than Barcelona's Nou Camp Stadium (98,000) or Real Madrid in Santiago Bernabeu (89,000).

The stadium is located in the Capital of North Korea, Pyongyang, was first opened since 21 years ago, or on May 1, 1989. In addition to holding a football match, in it also have other sports facilities bleak running track, swimming pool, sauna, and rooms that used by the athletes.

Besides the stadium with a land area of approximately 207 thousand square meters can also be used for state events or traditional festivals of other Korut.fasilitas stadium plays of 60 meters, among others, 80 doors, ten elevators, recreation room, and restaurants.


Ball and people of Indonesia. Both are so close lately. Since the number of young people like Irfan Bachdim, Okto Maniani, Christian Gonzalez, Arif Suyono and his friends, suck a sense of nationalism throughout the country, then dragged him to the football field.

So many political figures, business, and even President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who acknowledged that football has to unite the nation. Even the far more powerful than the words of politicians on the stage. Throughout the AFF Cup, a number of political disputes is sinking, at least from the surface.

Perhaps because the sense of nationalism, the world of football we recently became friendly. Almost no more violent supporters, who marched around the city and make us feverish. In fact, burst firecrackers in the field, now feel guilty, because it would embarrass the teams, also the nation.

The ball that was friendly to invite tens of thousands of people to Senayan. Bung Karno stuff. Give encouragement to those who competed. In the semifinals Indonesia vs Philippines, about 80 thousand people meriuh there.

Along with that, Bung Karno Main Stadium and then becoming famous. The stadium was located in Senayan area, located in downtown Jakarta. How history of the stadium and the region, not yet widely known.

From a number of literature and maps published by the Bureau Topographisch Batavia in 1902, the area was originally named Wangsanajan Senayan, or Wangsanayan by Spelling The renewed.

It is said Wangsanayan is the owner of land which has become one of the elite in Jakarta. Maybe mention a bit difficult, gradually changing the name of the region so Senayan.

Other information is that the word Senayan in Betawi means Senenan or types of games on horseback. The name was expected to emerge since the colonial period. Thomas Raffles (1808-1811). At that time, Senayan area, serve as a British citizen to play Polo.

Senayan area began much known since established an international sports arena in this location. Construction began earlier this sports arena in 1958 with the help of the Soviet Union during Prime Minister Nikita Khrushchev. The cost when it amounted to U.S. $ 12.5 million or USD 117.6 billion.

But the laying of the first pile by Sukarno on February 8, 1960 and witnessed the Deputy Prime Minister Anastas Mikoyan of the Soviet Union.

Sports arena was built because the Indonesian middle class Olympic sports held devices known as Ganefo.

Ganefo is a lighthouse project Bung Karno sports melombakan various participants come from the movement of Non-Aligned Countries. Along with that, the name of the stadium in Senayan area known as the Stadium Ganefo. That's where Sukarno gave a speech a few times arouse people's nationalism.

Gossip emerged when the Soviet Union was disappointed that Prime Minister because there are no signs of the inscription that mentions the Soviet Union was the one who built it.

The stadium was originally able to accommodate 100,000 spectators are now shrunk to 88 000 spectators after renovation in 2007.

Later the name changed Ganefo Stadium mention the Senayan Stadium, as the fall of the leadership of Sukarno. However, during the reign of President Abdurrahman Wahid, the name was changed to the Senayan Stadium Bung Karno Stadium


Appearances riveting Oktovianus Maniani AFF Suzuki Cup in 2010 and then it turns out could attract the heart of a British journalist ESPN, John Duerden who called it a Ryan Giggs Indonesia.
Oktovianus indeed become The Rising Stardalam Indonesian national team, two goals and satuassist he donated to the Red Garuda White to advance to the final, although he himself must be willing to miss the last fight was against Malaysia.

Okto name along with nine other Asian players names included John Duerden in an editorial titled "The Promise From the East", which reviews the shiny players from the Asian continent. In an editorial posted on ESPN's Soccernet, Sriwijaya FC players is regarded John as a player with great natural talent and is still raw, he just needs a little polish and experience to be a great player.

"Oktovianus very interesting to watch as he moves on the left side, at the age of 20, he only stayed just improvising," commentator Duerden, who is also a special columnist football from the English media, the Guardian.

"If 'Ryan Giggs Indonesia' it wants to increase its originality, he just needs to follow his footsteps and find consistency in the settlement alone," the message to wing it lively.

"It's still raw, but that's what makes it more interesting," he said about the reasons why he chose the Okto its review.


Although Indonesia's national team failed to win the AFF Cup 2010, supporters of Indonesia came home with the orderly and still encourage the national team. No wonder the Indonesian spearhead Irfan Bachdim very proud of the supporters of the Indonesian national team.

In a Twitter account @ irfanbachdim10, Irfan assess Indonesia are among the best supporters in the world. "Im so proud of the Indonesian supporters! You are all great! Really the best supporters of the world!! Im proud of you all and to be a Indo!" Irfan wrote.

This means roughly, "I am very proud of the supporters of Indonesia! you all very great! It's really the best supporters in the world!! I'm proud of you all and became an Indonesian!"

Indonesia won 2-1 against Malaysia in the second game AFF Cup final at Bung Karno Main Stadium, Wednesday (29/12). However, Indonesia has not been able to win the AFF Cup because of the 4-2 aggregate defeat after Indonesia defeated Malaysia 3-0 in the inaugural match.

Despite failing to win the AFF Cup, hundreds of thousands of supporters of the Red and White teams left the stadium in an orderly manner. In fact, some loyal fans of Indonesia still awaiting the arrival of the Indonesian national team at the hotel where the team was staying.
