Tugas Softskill

thank's for everythink have you given God . .

Sports? Fitness? Shadow will breath panting and sweat streaming down immediately arise when he heard these things. Actually a lot of people want his body always fit, but without having to carry heavy training and strict discipline. Not to mention the problem of equipment and costs if, for example, do certain types of sports or join a sports club.

An activity that is not too heavy and does not need to spend much money would certainly be an attractive option. One of them on foot. This sport can be anyone and do not require a lot of trinkets that troublesome, but useful for those who want to keep in shape or help reduce weight.

Although it seems easy and anyone can do, there are some things you should look. Do you include people who used to sit for hours in a long time, rarely exercise and are now aged over 65 years, has a heart condition, are pregnant, have high blood pressure, diabetes, often feel dizzy and other health problems. If "yes," you should consult your physician first.

Well, it means that now you are ready to walk away. What do you need? For clothing there is actually no specific requirement, which is important comfortable to wear. If you feel the air is too cold, wear a shirt layered, thin sweater, or jacket anti-wind. If you perspire, use clothing that absorbs sweat. As for shoes, if possible, use a specially designed to run because it is more convenient and can help minimize the risk of injury.

Before starting, warm up adequately, especially if you've never exercised. Stretch (stretching) to taste and start slowly. Furthermore, good posture when walking is the body upright, not leaning forward or backward.

Walk for half an hour per day or about three hours a week is very good and according to walking.miningco.com sites associated with a reduced risk of heart problems. Begin with 15 minutes per day for five days and increase the five minutes each week until it reaches 30 minutes per day. Remember, because in this case you should build a habit, try to be consistent practice every day. Do not let feeling lazy makes you stop, because once your stop is usually difficult to start again. Good practice.