Tugas Softskill

thank's for everythink have you given God . .

Eliminating smoking habits are hard to do for some people, consciously waluupun they also know and understand that smoking is a bad habit, which is certainly detrimental to good health for the smoker and people around him. Well for those of you who want to stop smoking would not hurt to follow the following steps:

- Set a date stop smoking you.
- Request for support of relatives or close friends, and consult a doctor to get treatment that can help you. Research that has been done shows that this kind of assistance will enhance the business success you stop smoking.
- Think and remember always stop smoking on the health benefits and your life. Smoking can damage nearly every organ system. Diseases caused, among others, lung cancer, coronary heart disease, reproductive dysfunction, etc.
- Identify and remove all the triggers smoking habits you. Discard all cigarettes and remove all ashtrays from the house and your car. Avoid environmental / friends that can trigger you to smoke